Saturday, February 25, 2012

Green Beans!

Max is six months old! He weighs 14 lbs 15 oz (9th percentile) and is 25 inches (7th percentile). His head is in the 29th percentile! :-) He might be a shrimp but he's a smart one! Max decided to roll over (from stomach to back) one day before his six month birthday. We've also started feeding him solid foods. So far he has had green beans and sweet potatoes. Not really a fan of either one. He still loves playing in his baby gym but he's quickly becoming a big fan of his jumper (now that he's figured out how to jump in it). Max is so good natured. He can easily play by himself for at least an hour. We can't wait until the weather is nice enough to start going outside.


  1. Hey Marisa, it's Ayla. Max is SO cute! I love that boy!

  2. Hooray for 6 months!!! Love the pics! Keaton became so much fun around 6 months, and it's just gotten more and more fun since then.
