Cory and I went out for date night last night (sushi!!!) and on our way home, we got in a hit and run accident. That's it. I am officially over 2010!!! What a horrible year! They say bad things happen in threes, right?? I totaled my car (that was paid for - can't forget that jab in the ribs) in January, Cory lost his job in May and now this. So we should be done now. Good things are definitely on the horizon (I hope).
We went through a traffic light and immediately after you go through the light, the lanes merge down into one. There was a red truck behind us, so we should have had the right to merge in front. But no. This crazy lady sped up and then side-swiped us as she went by. And yes, we were in my BRAND. NEW. CAR. The one that I've had for five months. The one that has 4,000 miles on it. We pulled off to the side of the road thinking that she would stop but she kept on going. So I started yelling at Cory to follow her. We chased her down and after honking the horn for a few minutes she finally pulled over and got out of the vehicle.
She said she hadn't even felt the impact and thought that she had stopped in time. What?? And then she said that she was in a hurry to go pick up her daughter and she asked if she could just give us her information and we could deal with the accident report later. By this point, I had 911 on the phone and I said that I wasn't willing to simply take her information and let her leave. I wanted to do things the right way and have an accident report written up for the insurance companies. She started to walk back towards her truck and I thought she was just going to get her license and insurance information and try to get us to take it and let her go. Instead, she got in her truck and took off. I started screaming her license plate number at the 911 operator to make sure they got it down. What a freak!
The police officer showed up about 15 minutes later and took our statement. They found the registered owners of the truck and sent an officer to the house but no one was home. Supposedly they will continue to follow-up and try to track them down. I'm not holding my breath. I'm sure that we'll have to take another one up the rear-end and shovel some more money out the window to pay our deductible. I shouldn't be surprised. We're so good at that by now.