Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm Married to a Superhero!

Just a quick add-on to my last post. I happen to visit teach the mother of one of our little Sunbeams. I'll call him "T". Little T has been scared to come to class. He came the first Sunday but didn't stay for very long. And his mom says he's been crying before church on Sundays because he hasn't wanted to go to class.

Last Sunday, T's mom brought him into the Primary room and sat him down next to Cory. I wasn't paying attention but I guess Cory put his arm around the little guy and said "hey bud". And that's all it took. T stayed for the entire time and was good as gold. But I didn't find out why until last night when I went to visit T's mom.

She told me that T thinks Cory is a superhero. Literally. I guess T is totally into The Incredible Hulk, Superman, The Titans, Knights of the Round Table, etc. The only way they can get him to enjoy scripture time is if they focus on the "war stories". Anyway, I guess after church, T told his mom that his teacher is a superhero. She tried to explain that it was possible that Cory is just a regular guy, but T was insistent. He says, "But Mom, he's so big and his voice sounds just like a superhero. I just know he is one." I about died laughing! What a cute little guy! I can get on-board with thinking Cory is a superhero. Maybe we'll have to take a cape to class one of these days. I know...not very reverent but it would be fun.


  1. I love it! I would love to see Cory in tights!!! Miss you guys :)

  2. Love! That is adorable! Hope y'all are having fun teaching the wee ones.

  3. That is hilarious! That little boy woudl never forget it if you did something along the lines of capes one time. Too cute:)
